Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Traffic Issues...I know...again.

Same old story, but I just gotta to say it...Sorry.

As of today...

"Road rage is plentiful, and so are roadkill. Cars love to wrap themselves around lamposts, kiss the derriere of a car in front, and hug pedestrians."

How sweet.

1) Lane Cutting: A clogged road is a clogged road, no mather how much you squeeze between cars.

2) Flashing Lights: Never mind you sticking to the speed comes the car jolting behind you flashing away like no tommorow. If you dont move...a simple case of road rage comes along as well.

3) Xenon Lights: As if the flashing lights aren't enough, Xenon head lights are in full effect, even if they are not flashing.....enough to blind the car in front of them. (no offense to any bloggers with Xenon lights...nothing personal)

4) Jutting In: Waiting in a long a$$ line to take a U-turn (ahem..ahem..Jabriya?), here comes a smart ass who will overtake the entire line and take the U-turn...and gets angry when a car in line blocks his way. Not only that...a traffic light already turned red three times before you can actually see it. Once you reach paradise by almost passing the green light, some jerk cuts you off in front of you, and light turns red again...leaving me fuming!

5) Mobile Maniacs: Never mind the road...the conversation is more imporatant. "Oh really?" "La wallah!"....and SWERVE!!!....right in front of you. Sad...just sad.

Merely my opinion...


At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o fe awadem ykonon ohmah el ghal6aneeen bas lazim yel7egoonik 3ashan ygooolooolik inik ghal6an wenek ..( o yabdy el 7achy el 7elo 3ad).. o sa3at fe 7areeem yel7egoon 3ashan (ytafloon) o ywath7ooon inah el 7ag ma3ahom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ma'aaaSeeYYYYY!

At 1:15 AM, Blogger Rampurple said...

1. dont apologize about what u post about...never

2. i love how u described this

3. i agree with all the above

4. what about thoses asses who change from the right lane to the left ... right in front of u... and then slam on the brakes... and if that wasnt enough.. continue driving on the left lane of 5th ring road at 50km/h?!?!!

At 4:43 AM, Blogger Kleio said...

The funniest thing is that people here are so used to discourteous drivers that when someone is actually courteous, other drivers don't know how to react. Like if someone is in their lane signalling to enter your lane, if you actually stop to let them pass in front of you they go into a state of shock! These past couple of weeks I've been here it's happened to me like 3 times - someone wants to enter my lane and puts their indicator on and waits for an opening, which I appreciate so I slow down to let them pass, and they start to enter my lane but just cannot BELIEVE someone is actually letting them go so they start to hesitate, and linger between the two lanes in uncertainty ("Is this person really letting me go or only trying to trick me?") and then I flash my lights which, to the rest of the world means "go ahead" but in Kuwait means "don't you dare" and so the driver ends up quickly swerving back into his own lane, so inevitably I end up getting frustrated and abort my attempted good deed and zoom on up my lane and let him figure out his strategy for himself. *SIGH*

At 9:17 AM, Blogger MissCosmoKuwait said...

I hear you man...especially the Jabriya U-turn...totally pisses me off! Sometimes I'm in such a good mood..I decide to stay home to avoid risking the mood change couresy of traffic/rude drivers! ...crazy really..but good moods are a treasure..and I can't afford letting some jack ass, ego maniac, thokless (ya3nee no thok) piss me off and ruin my mood!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Jazz Central said...

Anonymous: I know...its very sad.

rampurple: Oooh...i know...i hate when that happens! And thanks for the tip about saying sorry ;)

Kleio: I know what you mean...some drivers can't comprehesend good will gestures frmo other drivers. Its either road rage (which I think is becoming a normal standard in Kuwait), or nothing at all.

Waterlilie: Oh I'm sorry to hear that. Are u ok though? '7a6ach ilsou oo 7amdilla 3alla salama. Must be frustrating...i've been there.

MissCosmo: I know it totally ruins my mood as well. Driving in Kuwait is challenge now and should not be!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Spontaneousnessity said...

I hate when those women *I say women cause I did have more incidents with women than I did with men* they drive and just turn on you as if you don't exist! and then I realize they've been on the cell! oh and when they keep on pressing on breaks on and off?! the red light infront of you goes on and off and on and off AAAHHH!!!! I want to step outta my car and punch them on the snoot!! it pisses me off! oh and old people too, bs those yaksoroon khatir, get a driver! oh ee o ba3ad drivers are a different story I can just.. URGGHH!!!

At 6:36 PM, Blogger K.thekuwaiti said...

Nothing bugs me more than the U-turn thing .. I am going to start carrying molotov cocktails in my car.

At 12:13 AM, Blogger Nunu-San said...

this is it.. that's what killing me!!!!

At 2:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the MOSt thing that anoyes me is wen drivers stop the car open their dooor n SPIt! like they hve no tissure in the car! but other than that i'll just run over them its not like i know'em ;P

At 11:59 AM, Blogger LiB Team said...

wow this is so true! We have the same shitty mentalities here in Bahrain, shame on who does these cheap-ass 7arakat :(

At 1:12 AM, Blogger clandestine proximity said...

y'all should be greatful you're not in either Cairo or Beirut.
Cairo: 700 year old car, tires so used you can see the steel radial, it was originally a peugeot but got a honda engine, citroen hood renault left fender and only two of the four cylinders fire. you drive 160kph on a one way street: against traffic.
Beirut: you got a 1989 BMW 320 with a BMW 750 engine trick-installed, no exhaust,Nancy Ajram blaring through a 1000 watt JBL Bazooka Sub, steering, shifting, mobile, comb, gel jar, tuning into radio one and saluting passersby in the same time. then a guy crosses you doing a wheelie on 50 cc teztaizeh.
Kuwait is heaven baby.


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