Hey all. Still taking a break from my blog...forgive me, but I just needed to say something...
the country, the people, the legacy!
Yesterday's rally in front of the Parliament (sa7at il irada) was a joke and disgrace. Why they defending Hezbolla?...I have no idea....it does not make sense...even if they are fighting against Isreali opposition! The Lebanese people and the country have nothing to do with it, and they are paying the price for a cowardly act done by Hezbolla...I even hate saying that word. Who does Hassan Nasseralla think he is decalaring an "open war" on belaf of the Lebanese citizens and country?? Rampurple said it perfectly on her post when she said:
"Who gave you [Hassan Nasseralla] the right to place Lebanese lives in danger, Lebanese soil in danger? Who are you? So anyone who heads a party can call for war? You do not represent the Lebanese people, hell you only have 2 seats in the ministry!"
So I say it again...Lebanon will prevail!. I pray for my family in Lebanon to be safe and away from harm and danger. I pray from my friends to remain safe as well. Lebanon was just about to bloom, and it will bloom again.